Event category: Seminars
“The Use of Modern Technologies in Teaching the History of Algeria”
On November 28th, 2024, the National Institute for Research in Education organized a national scientific colloquium under the theme: “The Use of Modern Technologies in Teaching the History of Algeria”. The event was held at the institute’s headquarters and aimed to align educational practices with rapid technological advancements while enhancing the teaching of historical subjects.
Interim Assessment of Digital Transformation in the National Education Sector
The National Institute for Research in Education participated in a national colloquium titled: “Interim Assessment of Digital Transformation in the National Education Sector,” on the morning of Friday, March 8, 2024, at the Mohamed Mokhbi Mathematics High School….
The Algerian school between conventional and digital education. Towards Hybrid Teaching and the Flipped Classroom
On December 13, 2023, the National Institute for Research in Education, through the Educational Technologies Research Division, in collaboration with the Research Laboratory in Systems Experts and Imaging and its Applications in Engineering at the University of Biskra, organized a national conference entitled …
National Scientific Seminar on Teaching the history of Algeria in the Algerian School. Reality and Perspectives
On December 13, 2023, a national scientific seminar entitled “Teaching the History of Algeria in the Algerian School: Reality and Perspectives” was organized in the lecture hall of the National Institute for Research in Education ….
Virtual National Seminar on “Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Experiences of education stakeholders in Algeria”
As part of the partnership between the National Institute for Research in Education and UNESCO, inserted in the research project entitled “Confinement and its Impacts on Teaching in Education in Algeria…
Second International Conference « State of the Art and Good Practices for the Successful Integration of ICTE in the Algerian Education System. Feedback Through Case Studies »
Of the fifteenth of October 2023, the National Institute for Research in Education, in partnership with the Algerian National Commision for Education, Science, and Culture, Organized…..
First International Conference on content production tools and e-learning platforms through previous studies
The continiuous development of information and communication technology in education has led a reset of the traditional pedagogical process…
The Second International Forum Entitled “Teaching and Learning Mathematics”
Under the high patronage of the Minister of National Education, Mr. Abdelhakim Belabed, the National Institute for Research in Education organized the second International Forum for Mathematics entitled “Teaching and Learning Mathematics” to enhance the quality of mathematics learning and deepen the understanding of the learner.
School Linguistic Weakness in Culturally Diverse Societies Interpretive Approches and Treatment Pathways
Language is the most important element fo culture, and one of the most important research topics and problems…
Artificial Intelligence in service of education
The National Institute for Research in Education organized an international seminar titled “Artificial Intelligence in Service of Education” on May 11th, 2023. The seminar aimed to highlight the growing impact of artificial intelligence on education as its use increased in various educational settings, including smart teaching systems, automated evaluation systems, collaborative learning environments, and educational games…
Good Governance in Educational Institutions. Reality, Chalenges and Prospects
Within the framework of keeping pace with reforms in the Algerian educational system an adopting modern management …
National Seminar: The role of the Algerian school in consolidating the principles of the Revolution of November 1st
The Scientific Seminar entitled :”School feeding: Good Health, Good Upbringing, Promising Future” on October 17th, 2022
On the occasion of the commemoration of the World Food Day, which falls on October 16th, 2022, the National Institute for Research in Education organized a scientific seminar entitled “School feeding: Good Health, Good Upbringing, Promising Future” in the presence of researchers and staff of the Institute on Monday, October 17th, 2022 at the Institute’s headquarters in El Achour.
A scientific seminar entitled: “The right of the child to education and teaching” July 24, 2022
A report on the national seminar “Knowledge management in the education and higher education sector in Algeria on 02 July 2022
The National Institute for Research in Education organized an international seminar in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Applied Economics for Development under the theme “Knowledge management in the education and higher education sector in Algeria”
A report on the first international forum mathematics teaching and its culture
Under the patronage of the Minister of National Education the National Institute of Research in Education is organizing the first International Forum entitled “Teaching and Culture of Mathematics. Popularization, History and Didactics of Mathematics” held on 25 and 26 June 2022
The first Virtual seminar Preschool education in Algeria: reality and application requirements
The National Institute of Research in Education organized the first seminar report Preschool education in Algeria “reality and application requirements” June 01st, 2022.
A national seminar on “Psycho-Educational criteria of teachers’ selection and training foundations in the Algerian school” on 17 May 2022
On May 17, 2022, the first seminar of the division -school and its environment- was held at the INRE entitled: The Psyco-Educational criteria of teacher’s selection and training foundations in the Algerian school.
Scientific research and education system in Algeria Under the slogan: “Nations develop with science” April 16th, 2022
The National Institute of Research on Education held a scentific entitled with: Scientific research and education system in Algeria under the slogan: “Nations develop with science”in april 16th, 2022 coinciding with the death memory of the scientist Abdelhamid Ibn Badis.
The first virtual seminar “Learning difficulties in the elementary education cycle (problems and solutions)”
On March 03, 2022, the first virtual seminar entitled “Learning Difficulties in the Primary Cycle – Problems and Solutions