On June 25, 2024, the National Institute for Research in Education organized a study day on “The Scientific Production of Permanent Researchers at the National Institute for Research in Education: Valuing Research Results in the Education Sector.” The event was held under the supervision of the Institute’s Director, Pr. Radia Bernoui, and attended by representatives from the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, and the Directorate General for Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSTD), who evaluated, with members of the Scientific Council, the 26 research projects..
The study day was inaugurated with a speech by Pr. Radia Bernoui, who highlighted the achievements and scientific activities of the National Institute for Research in Education and its future scientific interests. This was followed by a speech from the Director General of Education at the Ministry of National Education, and a speech from the representative of the Directorate for Scientific Research and Technological Development, who expressed her happiness to be present in this esteemed scientific institution, which has been valuing projects that lasted for over three years. The President of the Scientific Council then delivered his speech, emphasizing the importance of the responsibility he holds as the head of the council overseeing 26 projects at the National Institute for Research in Education, and expressed his gratitude to the Institute.
The study day began with the first session chaired by Pr. Bahri Mbarak, which included five projects from the Educational Technology Research Department. Researchers presented the outcomes of their projects, which comprised books and articles published in internationally classified journals, in addition to a guide for teachers on how to employ technological tools in the teaching and learning process. The floor was then opened for discussion by the attendees regarding the presented projects.
The second session, chaired by Pr. Mustapha Achoui, included six projects from the School and its Environment Department. The researchers presented their project outcomes, followed by an open discussion by the attendees on the presented projects.
The third session, chaired by Pr. Ahmed Djebbar, included ten projects focused on education research, didactics of subjects, and pedagogical innovation. This session was followed by a rich discussion on the projects.
The final session, chaired by Pr. Youcef Meache, was dedicated to the Educational Governance Department and included five research projects. Researchers presented their project outcomes, which comprised a collection of collective works and articles published in internationally classified journals. The session concluded with a public discussion rich in insights about the research projects.
At the end of the day, members of the Scientific Council provided valuable general remarks on how to select and value a research project, aiming to produce Pround results that address various challenges faced by the education sector and translate into effective solutions for its development. The study day concluded with a closing speech by the President of the Scientific Council.